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FARMERSVILLE — As the temperatures rise, Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church will be hosting free ice cream socials during the month of July.
The socials will be held each Wednesday with the congregation serving homemade ice cream. Toppings and drinks will also be available. The socials will be from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. on those days.
“The congregation enjoys the work of love,” states the Rev. Micheal Strong, Zion Lutheran pastor. “We are part of the community and enjoy giving something back to people in the area.”
Rev. Strong also noted that instead of trying to make money, they just want to give a cooling dish or a cone of ice cream to anyone who stops by.
“Of course, we have other things to offer,” Rev. Strong said. “A bit of cooling ice cream is our primary aim on Wednesday nights.”
In addition to the treat, there will be an offering chest for people wishing to make a donation. Proceeds will be going to the Farmersville-Waggoner Fire Department. Donations are not a requirement for the event, but any donations would be appreciated.
The department is in dire need of a new computer to make reports and receive messages from the Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal.
According to Rev. Strong, the entire church building will be open from the basement to the sanctuary.
More information on the July ice cream socials can direct their questions to Rev. Strong at (217) 725-1717. He can also answer questions via email at [email protected].
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Written by: HLNF Staff Report
illinois news local news Micheal Strong Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church
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