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As an independent news organization, we strive to accomplish our work while not resorting to hiding local news content behind a paywall. We are funded in part by ad revenue through advertising partners and through advertising that we sell. However, we do accept donations to help offset our monthly costs.
There are several methods that you can help support the local news initiatives being done by the entire Heartland Media Group of Central Illinois family — Heartland Newsfeed, Heartland Newsfeed Radio Network, and Heartland Newsfeed Podcast Network.
We greatly appreciate your consideration in supporting unbiased journalism at Heartland Newsfeed. We have a variety of options you can utilize to make your contribution.
PayPal donations can be remitted to the following email address:
Donations via Square Cash (also known as CashApp) can be remitted to $heartlandnewsfeed. This account is a specific fund utilized to pay our contributors directly.
Heartland Media Group of Central Illinois & Eastern Missouri accepts donations and bill payments in cryptocurrency.
We will accept any cryptocurrency of value, not limited to the following: Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dogecoin, DASH, Ripple, Zcash, Factom, STEEM, Ethereum Classic, Cardano, and Monero.
Please contact us before making the transaction so that we can direct you to which payment address to send your donation to.
We accept donations via debit and credit cards. This includes Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover.
We process these donations manually via Square, so please contact us in advance in order to process your donation.
We accept check and money order donations via “snail mail” also known as USPS.
We recommend that you designate to which fund you wish to contribute in the memo section of your check.
To help offset our monthly operational costs, please remit your donation with the memo “OPERATIONS” to:
Jake Leonard
800 Capps Ave.
Nokomis, IL 62075
For our journalist fund, please remit your donation with the memo “JOURNO FUND” to:
Heartland Media Group of Central Illinois
800 Capps Ave.
Nokomis, IL 62075
Daily deadlines
News and sports submissions: 11 p.m. Central
Advertising, legals, obituaries: 5 p.m. Central
Monday-Friday deadlines
Other business inquiries: 5 p.m. Central
Publication times
Late breaking news as it happens
Normal publication: 11 p.m. Central daily
Other news: Published as it’s made available
Some rights reserved 2017-2024 by Heartland Newsfeed, a Heartland Media Group of Central Illinois and Eastern Missouri media property. Content published by Heartland Newsfeed staff is covered by the BipCot NoGov license. This allows use and re-use by anyone except governments and government agents. License on record. Pro Radio theme designed and developed by Qantum Themes S.L.U.