
11 Results / Page 1 of 2



The Healthy Geezer: What exactly is arthritis?

It seems to me that arthritis is a catch-all term for all kinds of aches and pains. What exactly is arthritis? Arthritis, which comes in more than 100 different forms, is inflammation of the joints. Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and gout are the three most common forms of arthritis among seniors. Osteoarthritis is the most prevalent. None is contagious. Osteoarthritis You get osteoarthritis when cartilage—the  cushioning tissue within the joints—wears down. This produces stiffness and pain. The disease affects both men […]

todayJune 27, 2018 5

Business & Lifestyle

The Healthy Geezer: memory loss and Alzheimer’s disease

I’m 78 and I'm forgetting things more often now. Should I be worried? For starters, worrying is a waste of time. If you think your forgetfulness is the sign of the onset of Alzheimer's, get to a doctor for a check-up. The scary truth is that Alzheimer’s begins with difficulty remembering the familiar—people, things, events. Or, you start having trouble doing simple arithmetic in your head. These annoyances are common to seniors with healthy brains, so most of us don’t […]

todayJune 15, 2018 5

Business & Lifestyle

The Healthy Geezer: The difference between unwanted growths and skin cancer

My skin has all kinds of small thingies on it like my father used to have. My doctor checks them out and says they are all harmless. But, what exactly are they? As we age, most of us start sprouting an array of unwanted growths. Let's go over the common ones: LIVER SPOTS: The official name for liver or age spots is “lentigines” from the Latin for “lentil.”  These are flat, brown with rounded edges and are larger than freckles. […]

todayMay 30, 2018 38


The Healthy Geezer: Aches, pains and the colon

When seniors gather, it doesn't seem to take long before we get to our aches and pains. You must get more than your share of that. My friend, Pete, has instituted a colonoscopy rule. He insists that, if a bunch of us geezers are talking about aches, maladies and visits to the doctors, everyone has to change the subject as soon as someone uses the word colonoscopy. Usually we switch to grandchildren, which is a lot more fun. But, while […]

todayMay 22, 2018 5

Business & Lifestyle

The Healthy Geezer double feature: hearing and bladder problems

Editor's Note: We normally publish this column on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month, but we've dealt with some scheduling conflicts due to news assignments which overlapped which resulted in the first column to not be published on April 11. Additionally, due to similar conflicts taking place on April 25, the editorial staff opted to publish this as a "double feature" in order to catch up on the first column and get the second column published early this week. […]

todayApril 22, 2018 5


The Healthy Geezer: Can grapefruit juice be toxic?

My daughter heard that grapefruit juice can be toxic for some people. Is that true? The juice, itself, is not toxic, but you should be careful taking medicine with any grapefruit. Grapefruit juice can raise the level of some medications in the blood. The effect of grapefruit was discovered after using juice to mask the taste of a medicine. So, be sure to ask your doctor or pharmacist if it is safe to have grapefruit with your medications. Taking medicine […]

todayMarch 28, 2018 5


The Healthy Geezer: Solutions for seniors with low vision

What kind of glasses should you get for low vision? Low vision is a significant reduction in visual function that can’t be corrected by regular glasses, contact lenses, medicine or surgery. Low vision can range from moderate impairment—such as tunnel vision or blind spots—to almost total blindness. One out of every 20 people has low vision. About 135 million people around the world suffer from this impairment. Irreversible vision loss is most common among people over age 65.  However, losing […]

todayMarch 14, 2018 3


The Healthy Geezer: Why exercise and fitness are important as a senior

How important is exercise when you are a senior? Is it worth the risks of hurting yourself? All the current scientific evidence shows that geezers should exercise, even though many older people think it could harm them. Study after study demonstrates that seniors hurt their health a lot more by being sedentary. If you’re inactive, you deteriorate. Physical activity can help restore your capacity. Most older adults, regardless of age or condition, will benefit from increasing physical activity to a […]

todayFebruary 27, 2018 11


The Healthy Geezer: What should I do about my difficulty with staying balanced?

I'm 79 and I've taken a couple of spills in the last few months. I'm concerned that I might not be as steady on my feet as I used to be. What should I do about this? About one in ten people over 65 experience difficulty with balance. More than 40 percent of Americans will go to a doctor complaining of dizziness. Getting older is only part of the problem. Inner-ear disturbances are the primary cause. Losing balance when you’re […]

todayFebruary 14, 2018 3

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