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SPRINGFIELD — Officials of Lincoln Land Community College (LLCC) and the University of Illinois Springfield (UIS) signed an agreement Wednesday enhancing their partnership to ensure a smooth transition for LLCC students to complete bachelor’s degrees at UIS. The agreement also allows UIS students to utilize reverse transfer credits to complete associate degrees.
The agreement enhances advising and coordination of course selection. LLCC graduates transferring to UIS would be admitted as juniors and have the admission application fee waived. They would also be eligible for priority registration the semester before transferring. In addition, they will also be eligible for transfer merit scholarships based on their grade point average.
“This agreement is representative of our shared commitment to student success and to supporting students throughout their academic journey,” said LLCC President Dr. Charlotte Warren. “LLCC students have an opportunity to earn an associate degree with us while also having the support and a clear path provided for admission to UIS to earn their bachelor’s degree. This also reflects our continued commitment to our community, keeping local to study, live and contribute to a vibrant economy.”
“This agreement further strengthens the partnership between our two institutions,” said UIS Chancellor Dr. Janet L. Gooch. “It also shows that UIS and LLCC continue to work collaboratively so students have a streamlined path to succeed in their educational and career goals. Both institutions have a strong reputation for building leaders and keeping them here in the community.”
Both schools provide in-person and online course options. LLCC offers more than 30 majors designed for transfer to a four-year university. They also offer career training degrees and certificate programs. UIS offers 49 bachelor’s degrees, 51 master’s degrees, and a variety of professional certifications.
LLCC students interested in transferring to UIS to complete a bachelor’s degree should speak with their student success coach.
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Written by: HLNF Staff Report
Charlotte Warren illinois news Janet Gooch Lincoln Land Community College transfer admissions University of Illinois Springfield
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