
3 Results / Page 1 of 1


Business & Lifestyle

Circuit clerk issues statement regarding civil case e-filing

HILLSBORO (Heartland Newsfeed) -- Starting January 1, 2018, all civil cases in Illinois must be e-filed and Montgomery County Circuit Clerk Holly Lemons wants to make sure court users are not caught off guard as the deadline is quickly approaching. An Illinois Supreme Court mandate requires all users of the court file electronically, including pro se litigants. "We want to encourage learning and utilizing the system early," Lemons said. " I don't want users to run into issues once the […]

todayAugust 18, 2017 4

Business & Lifestyle

Raymond board discusses drainage and sidewalk issues, ordinances in August 7 meeting

RAYMOND (Heartland Newsfeed) -- In the meeting of the Raymond Village Board on Monday, August 7, there was further developments on the village's "no solicitation" ordinance, some road work will soon take place and received a report from Shoal Creek Golf Course. Upon approval of the meeting minutes from the July 18 financial meeting, village mayor Dennis Held noted that the village received their "No Soliciting" signs and they have been installed around town and village clerk Susan Greenwalt handed […]

todayAugust 15, 2017 3

Business & Lifestyle

Montgomery County issues statement regarding August 21 solar eclipse

HILLSBORO (Heartland Newsfeed) -- Montgomery County Emergency Management Agency (MCEMA) director Greg Nimmo informs residents of Montgomery County to take safety precautions should they choose to view the solar eclipse on August 21, which is scheduled to be partially viewable, roughly 90%, in the area between 11:00 a.m. and 1:28 p.m. that day. Nimmo stated on Monday that the eclipse will be partially visible in every state. A total solar eclipse, which is when the moon completely covers the sun, […]

todayAugust 8, 2017 2

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