Business & Lifestyle

Raymond board discusses drainage and sidewalk issues, ordinances in August 7 meeting

todayAugust 15, 2017 3

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RAYMOND (Heartland Newsfeed) — In the meeting of the Raymond Village Board on Monday, August 7, there was further developments on the village’s “no solicitation” ordinance, some road work will soon take place and received a report from Shoal Creek Golf Course.

confroomUpon approval of the meeting minutes from the July 18 financial meeting, village mayor Dennis Held noted that the village received their “No Soliciting” signs and they have been installed around town and village clerk Susan Greenwalt handed out copies to the board regarding their financial report received from Patton & Company for the new fiscal year.

Streets superintendent Mike Masten noted that oiling and rocking streets would begin, weather permitting. Masten added that the backhoe is in need of new tires on the front end, which are wearing thin after over 700 hours of usage with the rear end tires are still in decent condition at this time, that some work remains along Dorosell Road, which consists of putting in short block walls and adding dirt, rocks and seeding, and the need for sidewalk repairs, specifically mentioning the walk in front of Bruce Webb Insurance Agency.

Louis Marsch Inc. of Morrisonville submitted a bid to fix a drainage issue between Sorrells Farm Supply and the railroad tracks. The $960 bid includes creating a trench with oiling and rocking to come later. Other alternatives were discussed, but the board voted to stick with Marsch’s bid, which was the most feasible option at this time.

No further developments have emerged from the Water and Sewer department, but Water Superintendent Rick Broaddus noted that a request has been made by the Panhandle School District for him to assist in taking water samples to meet their requirement to test for lead. Broaddus spent a few hours assisting district personnel taking in and turning in these water samples for the district.

Police Chief Valerie Sheldon explained that she had a meeting with the village attorney regarding ordinance issues, specifically toward ordinances regarding buildings, nuisance and solicitation/peddlers. Regarding the building issues, expressed in Chapter 6 of the Revised Code of Ordinances, the remedies offered in Article II, which addresses the nuisance building issue, may be more applicable to their ongoing situations and Sheldon will review the ordinance further in detail. Possible alternatives were discussed to remedy the building issues.

Regarding the solicitation ordinance, addressed in Chapter 7 of the same code of ordinances, it was advised by the lawyer to tread carefully on the language used should the ordinance become revised by the board. Discussion took place regarding altering the permit application process, with other suggestions to address this issue.

In other departmental news, Sheldon added that the part-time officer, Anthony “Tony” Telford, has been working out well for the department.

Shoal Creek Golf Course superintendent Tom Irwin was contacted about hiring a student for part-time employment as part of the school district’s work study program. The student will work roughly 90 minutes a day with optional pay. Irwin noted he could use the additional help with some part-time employees reducing their hours as school is about to resume in a few weeks and thought the best place to start this hire out would be on the driving range as the high school golf season is upcoming. The board agreed to pay the student minimum wage for the position. Also discussed was some overseeding that needs to be completed, which will be done when the weather is right.

Trustee Robert Pennock, during the Economic Development committee report, noted $300 for their quarterly expenses for recycling, which would be split $175 to the Boy Scouts troop, $50 to the local 4-H group and $75 to the Raymond Baptist Church. Devon Bedinger got the recycling trailer powerwashed and looks good, now awaiting a new coat of paint. Also noted was that Creekstone Kettle Works Ltd.’s salt butter popcorn was announced as the official popcorn of the Illinois State Fair grandstand for this year. Congratulations was extended by the board.

In new business, the lot on East Street is looking nicer following cleanup, as most of the bricks and sticks have been picked up, with Held running a tractor over a few times to rake up buried debris. Plans are in place to throw some grass seed on the lot and sell it in the near future.

Following no further discussions or new business, the meeting adjourned at 7:53 p.m. set to reconvene August 21 at 7 p.m. Present at the meeting were Village Mayor Dennis Held, Village Clerk Susan Greenwalt, Police Chief Valerie Sheldon, Shoal Creek Golf Course superintendent Tom Irwin, Streets Superintendent Mike Masten, Water Superintendent Rick Broaddus and Village Trustees Robert Pennock, Scott Pinkston, Joe Martin, Bruce Poggenpohl, Greg Bernhardt and Kathy Summers.

The above will be republished in the August 16, 2017 issue of the Nokomis Free Press-Progress/The Morrisonville Times.

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Jake Leonard, a broadcast media and journalism veteran, is the editor-in-chief of Heartland Newsfeed. Leonard is also GM and program director of Heartland Newsfeed Radio Network, wrestling editor and contributing writer for Ambush Sports, a contributing writer for My Sports Vote and Midwest Sports Network, and a former contributor to Bleacher Report and Overtime Heroics. He resides at home in Nokomis, Ill. with his dog Buster.

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Written by: Jake Leonard

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