
33 Results / Page 1 of 4



How the final few months of the Biden administration could be his most effective

Following Joe Biden’s July 21 withdrawal from a seemingly doomed re-election campaign, Democrats instantly re-focused on picking/backing a new candidate (at the moment, vice-president Kamala Harris seems well on her way to nailing the nomination down), while Republicans took up the cry “if he’s unable to run, he’s unable to serve, and should resign or be removed.” I’m not seeing much speculation — yet — from either camp on the equally interesting subject of what Joe Biden’s final six months in […]

todayJuly 26, 2024 76



KNAPP: Make impeachment great again

“Biden family members and business associates created a web of over 20 companies,” according to a May 10 memorandum from the US House Committee on Oversight and Accountability. Most of those companies, which “received over $10 million from foreign nationals’ companies,” were “formed during Joe Biden’s vice presidency.” The Biden family, according to the memo,  engaged in “complicated financial transactions,” apparently “to conceal the source of the funds and reduce the conspicuousness of the total amounts made into the Biden […]

todayMay 11, 2023 39



KNAPP: Bank collapses: Yes, it’s a taxpayer bailout

U.S. president Joe Biden “stresses that Silicon Valley Bank is not getting a bailout,” The Hill reported on March 13. “[N]o losses will be borne by the taxpayers,” he said of the federal government’s decision to cover depositor losses in excess of  $250,000.  “Instead, the money will come from the fees that banks pay into the Deposit Insurance Fund.” But Biden’s explanation doesn’t support Biden’s claim. The bank’s customers — and, by extension, the bank itself — are definitely getting a […]

todayMarch 20, 2023 37

Chase Oliver spoiler


KNAPP: Time for the spoiler whining

Chase Oliver earned 2.1% of the vote in Georgia's U.S. Senate race. Supporters of Herschel Walker and Sen. Raphael Warnock call Oliver a spoiler because he forced the election to a December 6 runoff election. Here we go again. Yet another “third party” candidate has “spoiled” “major party” candidates’ victory party plans by “stealing” votes that rightfully belong to … well, someone else. Libertarian Chase Oliver garnered a little more than 2% of the vote in Georgia’s U.S. Senate race. […]

todayNovember 14, 2022 15

Election Day


KNAPP: Things always change with Election Day

"Election Day" has become a fuzzy concept lately. Officially it falls on “the Tuesday next after the first Monday in the month of November.” However, most states offer early voting in person or by mail these days. Millions of Americans have already cast their votes. The probability that we won’t know all the winners and losers on "election night" is in the neighborhood of 100%. The U.S. Senate race in Georgia may well go to a runoff. Some Congressional races […]

todayNovember 5, 2022 6



KNAPP: Look for the Libertarian label Nov. 8

However, take a careful look at the candidates

In Illinois, the Libertarian Party statewide candidates have no ties to the Republican-aligned Mises Caucus. In other states, you might not be so lucky, so research your ballot well on November 8. During election years, attention tends to turn to “swing state” races that might affect which “major” party ends up with majorities in the US House or US Senate. Earlier this year, Arizona was widely considered one of those “swing states.” Incumbent US Senator Mark Kelly (D) is looking […]

todayOctober 20, 2022 13

Should You Even Vote? Not Necessarily. Illinois voting election


KNAPP: Should you even vote?

The rhetorical response: not necessarily

As I write this, we’re 47 days away from the November 8 general election. Voters will elect candidates to all 435 U.S. House seats, 35 U.S. Senate seats, and other offices that vary from state to state. As close as that sounds, in some places, it’s even closer. “Early voting” begins 46 days before Election Day in Minnesota and South Dakota, 45 days early in Vermont, Virginia, and Wyoming, and 40 days early in Illinois and Michigan. There are shorter […]

todaySeptember 22, 2022 2


KNAPP: Third party?

America doesn't even have a second party

A June 29 Associated Press/NORC finds that 85% of Americans — including 92% of self-identified Republicans and 78% of self-identified Democrats — say “things in this country are headed in the wrong direction.” Meanwhile, national support for a “third” political party remains high — 62% as of last year’s Gallup Survey — yet no actually existing party outside the Democratic and Republican establishments seems able to get much traction. Third party labor in politics The Libertarian, Green, Constitution, and numerous […]

todayJuly 11, 2022 5

September 11 20th anniversary


KNAPP: Happy 20th anniversary. Guess what your gift is?

Twenty years after the 9/11 attacks, the US government is finally — well, probably, kinda sorta — ending its lost war with Afghanistan, drawing down its presence in Iraq, and reducing the heat of its “global war on terror” from a rolling boil to hot-tub temperature. That's good news, right? After two decades of getting groped at airports, searched and surveilled without a warrant or even probable cause, and paying through the nose to finance the murders of hundreds of […]

todaySeptember 11, 2021 14

hmgcil newfooter November2024


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