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Well, recycling, golf course updates among business in Raymond Village Board’s September meetings

todaySeptember 26, 2017 15

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RAYMOND (Heartland Newsfeed) — In the meeting of the Raymond Village Board on Monday, September 18, the board discussed possible replacement of the street department’s John Deere tractor and some updates were given regarding the test well, as well as fire hydrants, among other business.

Trustee Bruce Poggenpohl stated during the Streets committee report that the John Deere tractor currently used by the department is about 24-25 years old and had received information regarding tractors that are more user-friendly that what they currently have now, with one having an after-market cab, and mentioned they could put a coupler on it. The board took no further action, as there is no urgent need to replace the current tractor, but will keep it in consideration in the future.

Village President Dennis Held mentioned that Water Superintendent Rick Broaddus had done some chlorination at the test well during the Sewer and Water committee report. Poggenpohl added that some of the fire hydrants are in terrible condition. Trustee Robert Pennock state that the board had considered painting them at one point in time and suggested requesting bids to clean and/or paint the hydrants.

While the Finance committee had nothing to report, Trustee Greg Bernhardt mentioned the cleaning of the water tower, which was discussed in previous meetings, possibly renting out a lift and hiring for the work to be completed. Held added that funds from the motor fuel tax should be transferred if it hasn’t already been done. Poggenpohl mentioned a new State-imposed fee regarding the collection and disbursement of sales taxes to the state and asked what that fee would cost the village. Treasurer Sally Broaddus said she would look further into those amounts.

While no report was filed by the Police committee, the board thanked Officer Anthony Telford for speaking to a property owner regarding a nuisance issue regarding weeds, which was resolved by the owner.

Held stated during the Golf Course report that he had to purchase some new LCD bulbs for the pro shop at Shoal Creek Golf Course, as well as a replacement light for the “Welcome to Raymond” sign.

An ad has been placed in the newspapers for the sale of a lot located at the intersection of East and North Streets.

The Village’s 2017 Christmas party will be held at the Knights of Columbus Hall on Sunday, December 10.

With no additional business, the board adjourned at 7:30 p.m., set to reconvene October 2 at 7 p.m. Present at the meeting were Village President Dennis Held, Village Clerk Susan Greenwalt, Police Officer Anthony Telford, Village Treasurer Sally Broaddus and Village Trustees Robert Pennock, Joe Martin, Bruce Poggenpohl, Greg Bernhardt and Kathy Summers.

September 7 Meeting
In the Board’s September 7 meeting, postponed from the Labor Day holiday, the board discussed census preparations, emergency planning, public works, an ordinance concern and an update on some sidewalk projects, among other business.

Village President Dennis Held stated he attended the meeting of the mayors in Hillsboro the prior evening and discussed items such as preparations for the 2020 U.S. Census, emergency planning and public works. A table-top meeting has been scheduled for October and it was recommended that someone represent the village at the meeting. It was also noted the village will resume their recycling program.

In public comments, residents Roger and Rebecca Collins addressed the board about their concern about possible ordinance violations. The board discussed workable solutions to the issues raised so the problems can be rectified.

Trustee Bruce Poggenpohl stated in the Streets committee report that sidewalks have been poured and others repaired at Prairie and Shirley Streets by Don Moore. He also noted that new tires have been put on the backhoe and inquired further on the alternate location to burn debris as discussed in the August 21 meeting, adding that an alternate location might be available pending approval by the land owner.

While nothing was reported by the Finance committee, Trustee Greg Bernhardt mentioned speaking to a property owner regarding ongoing issues with a dilapidated building. The owner stated that repairs are ongoing and an installation of a new roof is forthcoming. Bernhardt also mentioned there was tall grass on a property along Illinois Route 48, reporting complaints received by Village Clerk Susan Greenwalt regarding the property.

In the Water/Sewer committee report, it was noted that the cleaning of Well No. 6 was scheduled for the end of the month and a recommendation was made to treat the well to alleviate any potential problems and monitor it for additional cleanups.

In absence of Police Chief Valerie Sheldon, Officer Anthony Telford stated he’d made some patrol around the burn pile site to monitor for unwanted dumping. Held added that Sheldon’s classes were moved from September to October.

In golf course business, Trustee Scott Pinkston mentioned there were several bad lights in the pro shop at Shoal Creek Golf Course. Held mentioned replacing them with LED lights, which carry a longer life span, eliminating the need of a ballast and may be more cost-effective. A motion was made and approved to purchase a box to use at the shop.

Several board members commented on how nice the recycling trailer looked. Trustee Robert Pennock mentioned that with the departure of the 4-H group, there are only two groups helping at the recycling trailer: the local Boy Scouts troop and the Raymond Baptist Church youth group. Held mentioned that he aerated, seeded and watered the former Carriker property on the intersection of East and North Streets and motioned for the board whether they wanted to offer it up for sale. The board agreed and will publish for sealed bids to be due, set to be opened at the October 16 meeting.

With no additional business, the board adjourned at 7:57 p.m. Present at the meeting were Village Mayor Dennis Held, Village Clerk Susan Greenwalt, Officer Anthony Telford, Village Treasurer Sally Broaddus, Water Superintendent Rick Broaddus and Village Trustees Robert Pennock, Scott Pinkston, Joe Martin, Bruce Poggenpohl, Greg Bernhardt and Kathy Summers.

Part of this report was intended for republishing in the Nokomis Free Press-Progress and The Morrisonville Times in the September 13, 2017 issue, but was held back and is set to publish in the September 27 edition with the September 18 meeting minutes.

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Jake Leonard, a broadcast media and journalism veteran, is the editor-in-chief of Heartland Newsfeed. Leonard is also GM and program director of Heartland Newsfeed Radio Network, wrestling editor and contributing writer for Ambush Sports, a contributing writer for My Sports Vote and Midwest Sports Network, and a former contributor to Bleacher Report and Overtime Heroics. He resides at home in Nokomis, Ill. with his dog Buster.

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Written by: Jake Leonard

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