
6 Results / Page 1 of 1


Decision 2017

Youngest elected official, former pro wrestler turned gubernatorial candidate among top 17 Illinoisans to remember in 2017

CHICAGO (Heartland Newsfeed) -- An 18-year-old high school senior who became the youngest elected official for a local office and a former professional wrestler turned Libertarian gubernatorial candidate have earned a spot on the top 17 Illinoisans to remember from the year 2017. The compiled list by Patch Illinois editor Tim Moran highlights 17 key Illinoisans who made the news cycles this year. One of the selections, Jake Leahy, made the news in April becoming the youngest elected official in the […]

todayDecember 30, 2017 38

Decision 2018

Gov. Rauner won’t commit to debate with GOP challenger Ives

JACKSONVILLE (Illinois News Network) -- Gov. Bruce Rauner won’t say if he’ll commit to debating his primary opponent before the March 20 Republican primary. At a stop in Jacksonville Friday morning, Rauner was asked if he’d commit to debating state Rep. Jeanne Ives, who has filed to run against Rauner in the March 20 Republican primary. Asked three times in a row if he’d debate Ives, Rauner only laughed and said “what I’m committed to is winning the general election and […]

todayDecember 8, 2017

Business & Lifestyle

McCALEB: Reasons to be thankful in tax-and-spend Illinois

(Illinois News Network) -- Many Illinoisans will be hard-pressed this week to find something to be thankful for with regard to a state government that is taxing and spending its way to insolvency. The General Assembly passed a $5 billion income tax increase well beyond the end of the scheduled legislative schedule that went into effect retroactive to July 1. And yet the spending plan that was approved alongside that tax hike still is nearly $2 billion out of balance. So […]

todayNovember 23, 2017 5

Business & Lifestyle

State Rep. Dan Brady opposes raising gas taxes for state infrastructure needs

BLOOMINGTON (Heartland Newsfeed) -- Illinoisans already pay a variety of high taxes, including at the pump. Illinois state Rep. Dan Brady (R-Bloomington) has made his position clear on whether the state needs higher gas taxes to fund Illinois’ infrastructure needs: He opposes a gas tax hike. “I’m not in support of raising the gas tax,” Brady said in an interview with WJBC radio. Springfield politicians from both parties are seeking a new capital bill – and tax hikes to pay […]

todaySeptember 29, 2017 2

Ballot Access News

Illinois Policy: Illinois lawmakers stampede for the exit

SPRINGFIELD (Illinois Policy Institute) -- The most likely driver is pretty obvious to most Illinoisans: the rage of constituents. Thirty state lawmakers in the 100th General Assembly will not be holding their seats in the 101st General Assembly. And that’s not even counting those who might be ousted at the ballot box next year. The exodus is unlike anything Springfield insiders have ever seen. National polling data has long shown Illinoisans at the bottom of the barrel when it comes […]

todaySeptember 29, 2017 3

Business & Lifestyle

Illinoisans are still waiting for their independence

More than 240 years ago, a group of individuals decided to stand up against a far-off king who taxed them without recourse. Americans honor their efforts each year on Independence Day. But the Illinois General Assembly has a funny way of celebrating. On July 2, the Illinois House passed a budget that includes the largest permanent income tax hike in state history and no structural spending reforms. The Senate concurred July 4, sending the budget plan to the governor’s desk. […]

todayJuly 4, 2017 2

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