Letters To The Editor

24 Results / Page 1 of 3

Montgomery County animal control dog cat

Letters To The Editor

TOSETTI: A plea to Montgomery County

What a great county we live in. Where town and country meet, the best overall location in the State. Close to many major highways, hospitals, colleges, lakes, major cities, churches and we have good soils.  We are far enough away to keep nearly all the local items and conveniences we need and nearly all the recreational things needed as a very desirable county and most of all a very friendly and loving area. After all, it is not the quantity of […]

todaySeptember 22, 2023 5


Letters To The Editor

TOSETTI: Teaching and encouraging success in life

Have we taught all the right things to our students for them to succeed in life? First, I applaud those who have been instrumental in establishing the trade center in Litchfield. I have scratched my head for years as to why we have not been able to figure out that many students do not wish to attend college as they desire other pursuits in life or feel they may not be capable of doing so or may not be able […]

todaySeptember 20, 2023 1


Letters To The Editor

MARTY: Many factors can make or break a farm

There are many factors that make or break a farm operation. Since the war started in Ukraine by Russia, American farmers have seen the price of fertilizer double in cost with no end in sight. It’s not unusual to see a farmer have $500,000 in input costs in his farm operation. Weather is another factor to deal with; the right amount of rain at the right times can make or break that farm operation. If it’s too wet in the […]

todayAugust 8, 2023 11

Nokomis Central Illinois

Letters To The Editor

LETTER: Nokomis should join EJ Water

Dear Editor, It is obvious that the Nokomis City Council should have voted to join EJ Water Corporation, a not-for-profit co-operative. We were advised that they could build a sewer plant for approximately $5 million. Our engineer said they could get it done for $7 million if I recall. Now, the City is proposing a $9 million bond issue. The citizens cannot afford this, and I cannot support it. It is not too late to do the smart thing. EJ […]

todayJanuary 12, 2023 17

Letters To The Editor

LETTERS: Ranked choice voting

I have lived and worked in Decatur for more than 30 years. This year’s primary election was the first in a very long time where I did not participate. In the general election, many sections presented only one choice to voters. I left those sections blank. During this frustrating election cycle, I became aware of ranked-choice voting. This alternative voting method is active in Maine and Alaska, dozens of other cities, and just recently got approval in the city of […]

todayNovember 18, 2022 3

Invenergy SBE power transmission

Letters To The Editor

LETTER: Support alternatives to overhead power transmission lines

The Energy Transaction Act (PA 102-0662) was signed into law in September 2021. This granted Grain Belt Express the ability to construct high voltage direct current power transmission lines in Illinois. This is, unfortunately, with the use of the right of eminent domain. The proposed project has plans to build overhead transmission lines. They are unsightly to the citizens. They are disruptive to the farmers and to wildlife/animal migration patterns. Additionally, these lines are inherently subject to routine maintenance and […]

todayJanuary 28, 2022 20

COVID-19 schools local control


OP-ED: School districts should have local control in matters relating to COVID-19

The state’s mandates regarding masks and vaccinations are merely the headlines and excuses of the moment in an incremental dismantling of local control in public education – and other arenas -- that began decades ago, with the pace only picking up since. Indeed, the latest top-down decisions from the governor and Illinois State Board of Education – and at times we’ve seen this at the federal level, as well – are just a continuation of the pattern of higher officials […]

todaySeptember 16, 2021 2

Decision 2020

O’DELL: Don’t waste your vote on a Democrat or a Republican this November

Another election is quickly approaching us within the next 100 days. Once again, the Democrats and Republicans have presented their constituents with (arguably) the two most polarizing options possible. In 2020, that comes in the form of incumbent "Republican" Donald Trump and Democrat Joe Biden. Surely, it is going to be overwhelming for voters to watch candidates publish radio and television ad hominem attacks rather than debating relevant talking points. However, your voting options do not have limitations with these […]

todaySeptember 13, 2020 3

avery bourne

Decision 2018

KUHL: Democrat-supporting student has faith in Bourne

Now more than ever, I am concerned about the growing political divide in our country that is pitting neighbor against neighbor and turning our democracy into a political game show. Our ideological differences seem to matter more than what unites us and harsh words and hate have taken precedence over reason and good policy. I believe in order to mend our political system, we need a bipartisan champion who reaches across the aisle and stands up for our values. Until […]

todayOctober 15, 2018 4

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