East Central Illinois Region

Macon County 4-H members recognized for career achievements

todayApril 11, 2024 46

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DECATUR — Each spring, outstanding youth across Illinois are recognized for their career achievements in 4-H. This year, two Macon County 4-H members received State Experience Awards, and one Macon County 4-H member was one of forty-five youth who received a State 4-H Award with a $1000 scholarship. 

Elizabeth Cornett, a member of the 4-H SCREAM robotics club, received the Emerald Clover Award in the area of Project Learning. This award recognizes youth who completed eight or more experiences in one of these dimensions: Community Service, Leadership, and Project Mastery, with at least four of those experiences beyond the county level and at least two at the state, national, or international level.

Morgan Crouch, a member of the Maroa Livestock 4-H club, received the Diamond Clover Award in the area of Leadership. Diamond-level awards recognize youth who have completed six or more experiences in one of the dimensions, with at least four experiences beyond the county level. 

Taylor Crouch, a member of the Maroa Livestock 4-H club, received the State Animal Science 4-H Award, which recognizes youth who have demonstrated and maintained a high standard of 4-H excellence and mastery in their animal science projects. Crouch was one of five 4-H members selected for this award, which includes a $1000 scholarship.

“These 4-Hers have worked hard and become leaders in their clubs. They come up with ideas to better serve their communities. They are very deserving of these awards,” says Ben Steele, 4-H youth educator. “I’m happy 4-H has recognized them for scholarship and award opportunities. and I hope their example will show other youth in our community how 4-H can help them achieve their goals.”

The Illinois 4-H Foundation awarded $45,000 in scholarships to forty-five young adults in the categories of Animal Sciences, Civic Engagement and Global Living, Creative, Performing Arts and Communications, Healthy Living and Nutrition, Gardening, Ag, and Food Access, Leadership, Natural Resources and Environmental Science, Personal Growth, and STEM and Robotics.

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Maria Lightner
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Maria Lightner is the marketing and communications program coordinator for the University of Illinois Extension. She currently serves the area covering DeWitt, Macon, and Piatt counties.

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Written by: Maria Lightner, University of Illinois Extension

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