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With the festive season fast approaching, many of us thinking about what to gift the gamers in our lives. Of course, the gaming selection of games, systems, and accessories is so vast that it can be dazzling and make deciding what to buy a tough choice indeed.
Virtual Reality
There is no doubt about it, virtual reality (VR) is one of the biggest trends this Christmas. After all, what gamers do you know that wouldn’t want to be wholly immersed in the favorite world? Of course, VR is much more than just visually immersive expense, but one where movement and touch also come into play as well. In fact, if you haven’t had the chance to experience a VR environment, yet you may be pretty shocked by how quickly your brand accepts it as real.
One of the best things about VR is that there is a range of headsets available across different platforms with the PSVR working with the PS4 console, and the HTC Vive, Samsung VR and iconic Oculus Rift coming with the ability to be tethered to your PC (or Mac).
Of course, you’ll need to gift something to play on these headsets, which for the PSVR means investing in a physical game on disc or downloading one onto your console from the store. In particular, look out for titles such as London Heist, which is like being in an East-End gangster movie fighting and firepower and all. Then there is the recently updated No Man’s Sky. This offers a fully immersive VR experience across the entire game (Which, if you didn’t already know, is pretty big!)
However, if you are looking for the best VR games for PC, then there is an even more extensive selection to choose from. In fact, knowing which one to go for, especially if you are gifting it to a gamer can be a bit of a puzzle. Something that makes doing your research as to which games are available for which headsets the best approach.
In particular, keep an eye for the aesthetic and moody Edge Of Nowhere available for the Oculus Rift. Although, if you are looking for something with more of an old school charm, Lucky’s Tale, a VR 3D platformer, maybe right up your street.
Switch Lite
If VR isn’t quite right for the gamer in your life, do not worry as there are some other great possibilities as well. One that is definitely worth a look is the Switch Lite. The smaller, cheaper version of Nintendo’s latest console, the Switch.
Of course, the fact that it is pitched at a lower price point will be met with joy from parents and SOs around the world, as it means they don’t have to shell out quite as much to purchase one for the gamer in their life.
Additional advantages include the fact that the Switch only titles such as Zelda Breath of the Wild, Arms, and many of the Pokemon releases can be accessed through this console. Although, do note that the controls do not detach, and so much of the movement feature available on the original version will be lost.
Game titles
Finally, when it comes to the latest trends of 2019 in gaming, there are a few specific titles that most gamers would be pleased to find in their Xmas stocking.
The first of these is Outer Worlds, a first-person RPG in the vein of Fallout. Although the gamer in your life will be pleased to note that it is far less buggy. It’s also got some creative world-building and artwork to match. There are even a few tweaks such as ‘fight with companions’ too. Features that make it just different enough from other, older RPGs on the market to be a worthwhile Christmas purchase.
Of course, then there’s the iconic Death Stranding from Hideo Kojima. This being a title that stars none other than Norman Reedus, AKA Daryl Dixon from the Walking Dead franchise. In this game, the aim is to deliver a very important package to the remnants of humanity. Those left alive after the Death Stranding apocalyptic event.
The game itself is a visual masterpiece, with some powerful sci-fi themes. Although, anyone expecting a reskin of Metal Gear Solid may be disappointed at the pace, and the level of commitment needed to progress past the first few tasks. Something that perhaps makes this title one for only the most hardcore gamer in your life this Christmas.
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arms Death Stranding Edge Of Nowhere Fallout gaming gaming trends Hideo Kojima HTC Vive London Heist Lucky's Tale Metal Gear Solid Nintendo Switch Nintendo Switch Lite No Man's Sky Norman Reedus Oculus Rift Outer Worlds Playstation VR Pokemon PSVR Samsung VR Switch Lite technology news The Outer Worlds virtual reality VR Zelda Breath of the Wild
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