
Donated tree, tornado exercise, repair work among items of business in Raymond board meeting

todayOctober 30, 2017 3

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RAYMOND (Heartland Newsfeed) — In the financial meeting held by the Raymond Village Board held on Monday, October 16, an update was presented regarding the cleaning of the fire hydrants and water tower, further discussion was mentioned about the village’s representation at the county-wide tornado table-top exercise and information was made available regarding trick-or-treating among other items of business.

Following approval of the meeting minutes from the October 2 meeting, Village President Dennis Held announced that the Christiana Tillson chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution has chosen the village this year for their annual donation and planting of a red maple tree in honor of being one of the first 13 villages established in Montgomery County. The planting would take place at 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, October 28 at the Raymond Gun Club.

Held added that Village Trustee Robert Pennock will be representing the village board at the county-wide tornado table-top exercise taking place at the Grand Magnuson Hotel in rural Raymond on Saturday, October 21. Other representatives from the village include Water Superintendent Rick Broaddus, Streets Superintendent Mike Masten and village employee Ben Pope.

Visitor Devin Bedinger presented before the board that he has started work cleaning and repainting the village’s fire hydrants and discussed a proposed date for cleaning the water tower. Village Trustee Bruce Poggenpohl stated that he would contact the rental company to schedule the lift for the weekend of October 27 so the work can be completed then.

Held mentioned during the streets and alleys departmental report that their street sweeper broke down one day the prior week and was fixed the following day. The repairs prompted a salesman to drop by with a sale sheet for a newer model from 2003 that the village could purchase for roughly $15,000. Considerable, detailed discussion was made regarding the current sweeper, but the matter was tabled for further discussion in a future meeting.

Broaddus noted that Well #6 has been cleaned extensively, but required installation of a new pump, motor and intake valve, showing pictures of the old pump with its current state of wear and tear, additionally noting that the pump is either 8 or 9 years old.

Village Trustee Greg Bernhardt briefly mentioned that the village’s certificate of deposit is coming due in December.

Village Trustee Joe Martin announced reports from the pro shop at Shoal Creek Golf Course and all seems to be running well. Held added that the LED lights they were expecting have arrived. Lights will need to be changed in the village hall and boardroom, with the remaining bulbs going to the pro shop.

Pennock stated in the economic development departmental report that recycling will only be open on the first and third weekend of each month, effective November 1 and expiring March 1, with notice posted outside the trailer. Also mentioned was a lot that still needs to be mowed, complaints have been received regarding the brush pile and old sign posts have been removed by Dollar General where there are no longer signs. Hours for trick-or-treating have been set for two hours following the Trunk or Treat on Sunday, October 29 and from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Monday, October 30 and Tuesday, October 31.

With no additional business before the board, the board voted to adjourn at 7:47 p.m., set to reconvene on Monday, November 6. In attendance were Village President Dennis Held, Village Clerk Susan Greenwalt, Village Treasurer Sally Broaddus, Police Chief Valerie Sheldon, Water Superintendent Rick Broaddus and Village Trustees Joe Martin, Bruce Poggenpohl, Greg Bernhardt, Scott Pinkston and Robert Pennock with visitor Devin Bedinger.

A version of this story will be published in Wednesday’s issue of the Nokomis Free Press-Progress.

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Jake Leonard, a broadcast media and journalism veteran, is the editor-in-chief of Heartland Newsfeed. Leonard is also GM and program director of Heartland Newsfeed Radio Network, wrestling editor and contributing writer for Ambush Sports, a contributing writer for My Sports Vote and Midwest Sports Network, and a former contributor to Bleacher Report and Overtime Heroics. He resides at home in Nokomis, Ill. with his dog Buster.

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Written by: Jake Leonard

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