Rep. Chad Hays

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Capital Area Region

House representative leaving office early, taking private sector job

SPRINGFIELD (Heartland Newsfeed) -- A Republican state representative who voted in favor of tax hikes in 2017 and opted not to seek re-election in November's general election is leaving earlier than expected and will not serve the remainder of his term ending in January. State Rep. Chad Hays of Catlin announced in a press statement Friday that he will be leaving the Illinois General Assembly earlier than expected. In the release, Hays noted that he has accepted a job in […]

todayJune 22, 2018 10

Capital Area Region

Illinois legislative ethics commission under fire for neglecting complaints

SPRINGFIELD (Heartland Newsfeed) -- The ethics commission that oversees the Illinois General Assembly has been hit with a complaint for neglecting to follow through with their duties for years, with the question being, "Who's going to investigate them?" A complaint was filed with the Illinois Legislative Ethics Commission and Inspector General Julie Porter on Wednesday by anti-violence advocate Denise Rotheimer, citing that the eight-lawmaker commission broke state statute by failing to appoint an acting legislative inspector general for three years, […]

todayJanuary 5, 2018 4

Ballot Access News

Illinois Policy: Illinois lawmakers stampede for the exit

SPRINGFIELD (Illinois Policy Institute) -- The most likely driver is pretty obvious to most Illinoisans: the rage of constituents. Thirty state lawmakers in the 100th General Assembly will not be holding their seats in the 101st General Assembly. And that’s not even counting those who might be ousted at the ballot box next year. The exodus is unlike anything Springfield insiders have ever seen. National polling data has long shown Illinoisans at the bottom of the barrel when it comes […]

todaySeptember 29, 2017 5

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