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If you have negative thoughts about your job regularly, you may have a toxic mentality. It’s easy to blame particular individuals or events for your job woes. However, it’s crucial to be honest about whether your own thinking patterns and emotions are setting the tone. This is vital not just for feeling better at work, but also for ensuring that your job performance is solid.
If a toxic attitude is clouding your workday, ask yourself some questions. Attempt the solutions that come with them to shift your viewpoint more positively.
There’s no getting around it. Not everyone at work will like you. This may be a difficult pill to swallow if you are a people pleaser and approval seeking. However, avoid the destructive habit of placing so much stock in other people’s perceptions of you and your work style. You could become paralyzed by fear of taking chances and being innovative.
If you see your thoughts being hijacked by contemplation about coworkers or office politics, remember that professional envy or a lack of sleep could be the source of someone’s criticisms of your current effort rather than a grudge against you.
Of course, if there is bullying in the workplace, this is a different matter altogether. In that case, you may be more comfortable finding an entirely new career. That may include starting with the strong interest inventory free test is a good idea.
Whether it’s expecting your employer to read your mind about your ambition for a promotion or wanting your cubicle buddy to invite you out to lunch more often, your personal difficulties may sometimes keep you caught in toxic thinking that harms your workplace relationships.
For example, maybe you’re the sort of person who would constantly recognize your colleagues’ success. However, your boss never appears to notice your accomplishments. Perhaps you consider yourself a kind person who would never miss a colleague’s birthday and would celebrate it with a desk full of flowers. Yet people on your team have never even said “happy birthday,” more or less handed you a card. If this seems familiar, think about if you’re projecting your own preferences for how to behave onto others around you.
It’s not always what you do at work that dictates how you feel – it’s who you have contact with. It’s difficult to maintain a cheerful attitude if you are attracted to gripers, gossipers, or negative individuals. Consider if you spend the majority of your time at work with people who keep you locked in a negative mentality and routines.
You might believe that no one will notice, but give your supervisor and coworkers some credit – they’re probably aware that you’re wasting your time by complaining, which may lead to lost chances if you’re not seen as a high performer or chosen project partner. Furthermore, by concentrating on everything that is wrong in the company or on individuals that bother you, you tend to exaggerate the significance of these issues rather than solve them.
The truth is that we all make our own mindsets, and if yours is toxic, you won’t enjoy your work, and you won’t progress.
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